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Special Clinics

Liver Clinic

Liver Clinics are conducted for proper Investigation, Treatment and Monitoring of Chronic Liver diseases, mainly due to :

  • Chronic Hepatitis C
  • Chronic Hepatitis B
  • Wilson's Disease
  • Autoimmune Hepatitis including Chronic Cholestatic Liver Diseases
  • Non Alcoholic Fatty Liver Diseases.
Clinic Schedule :

Friday - 04:00 p.m. to 05:00 p.m. - Dr. Asokananda Konar (Strictly On Appointment)

IBD Clinic

IBD Clinics are conducted for proper Investigation, Treatment and Monitoring of patients suffering from :

  • Ulcerative Colitis
  • Crohn's Disease
  • Malabsorption Syndrome e.g. Coeliac Sprue, Tropical Sprue.
  • Gastro Intestinal Lymphomas
Clinic Schedule :

1st and 3rd Wednesdays - 03:00 p.m. to 05:00 p.m. - Dr. Bhaskar Bikash Pal

Advance Appointment required.

Pancreatic Clinic

Pancreatic Clinics are conducted for proper Investigation, Treatment and Monitoring of patients suffering from :

  • Chronic Calcific Pancreatitis
  • Acute Recurrent Pancreatitis
  • Autoimmune Pancreatitis
  • Pancreatic Pseudo Cyst etc.
Clinic Schedule :

2nd and 4th Wednesdays - 12:00 p.m. to 02:00 p.m. - Dr. P.P. Bose

Advance Appointment required.

Child Guidance & Neurodevelopment Clinic

The team comprises of experienced Developmental Paediatrician, Paediatric Neurologist, Paediatric Clinical Psychologist, Clinical Geneticist, Psychiatrist, Dietician, Special educator, Physiotherapist, Occupational Therapist, Audiologist and Speech and Language Therapist.

Who Can Refer?

Any concerns regarding the development or progress of the child merits referral. It can come from the worried doctor, parents or teacher and schools.

Services Available :
  • Consultation by Developmental Paediatrician
  • Consultation by Paediatric Neurologist
  • Psychology Consultation
  • Genetic Consultation & Genetic Testing
  • Psychometric Evaluation
  • IQ Assessment
  • DQ Assessment
  • Autism Assessment
  • SLD (Specific Learning Disability) Assessment
  • MRI/CT Brain
  • Audiology Services
  • Physiotherapy
  • Occupational Therapy
  • Speech Therapy
  • Special Educator Input for early Intervention Programme.
  • Home based program (0-6) years-for children with, global delay, Downs' syndrome, CP and other developmental disorders
  • Parent orientation program - for newly diagnosed parents (after diagnosis consultations to explain diagnosis, explain outcome, role of therapy, basic guidelines to begin work at home, refer to appropriate centres for further therapy, arrange follow up)
  • Behaviour modification programs - session with psychologist for children going to mainstream school (high-functioning autism, SLD, ADHD/ADD, slow learners)
  • Sensory Garden

Paediatric Asthma & Allergy Clinic

Paediatric Asthma & Allergy Clinic can answer your following questions :

  • Does your child suffer from frequent cough and colds/sneezing/night time cough?
  • Does your child have eczema/dry skin/ rashes?
  • Does he/she have noisy breathing?
  • Is your child diagnosed to have asthma?
  • Is your child failing to gain weight or has frequent diarrhoea/vomiting?
  • Are you afraid that your child will be on lifelong inhalers?
The clinic addresses issues on -

(A) Do's and Don't/Myths about child asthma/food/skin allergy

(B) Parents Club : Interact face to face with other parents who share their experiences

(C) Focused school programmes

For more details contact us at:

Mobile : +91 89810 80159

Child Diet And Weight Management Clinic

The clinic primarily addresses :

  • The growing concerns of childhood obesity.
  • The dietary concerns of all children including 'picky eaters'.
  • Age-appropriate weight management.

The Clinic offers consultation by Dietician for complete diet and nutrition planning along with the specialist Paediatric Consultation.

Well Women Clinic

Services offered :

  • Special Health Check-up for women
  • Prevention, early detection and treatment for genital tract and breast cancers

Transgender Clinic

The First Transgender Clinic in the eastern region has been inaugurated under the joint initiative of Peerless Hospital & B.K. Roy Research Centre, Prantakatha - Promoting Active Citizenship and Athb named "Antar" at Peerless Hospital. The Clinic aptly named "Antar" is stationed at the Peerless Hospital and is functional two times in a month for basic free medical consultation and screening. "Antar" is a heartfelt step towards full-fledged health care services for the transgender community.

Smt. (Dr) Shashi Panja, Hon'ble Minister, Women and Child Development and Social Welfare Department, Govt of West Bengal, graced the occasion as the Chief Guest and inaugurated the Clinic in the august presence of Ms Monica Shie, Public Affairs Officer and Director of American Center along with other dignitaries.

This initiative was to address the basic right of the transgender community towards health with care and dignity. At Peerless Hospital there have been multiple training sessions across all levels of clinical and non clinical staff to provide care and comfort to them. The aim of the Clinic is to provide healthcare services through the clinic "Antar" twice a month with care and dignity towards the LGBT community to achieve inclusive healthcare. The inauguration of Antar was a part of two days programme of Rainbow Dialogue, a joint conference of South East Asian Youth and the LGBT Community.

Transgender clinic "Antar" would be run by general physician to screen the basic health issues of our trans citizens. The clinic will be held twice a month and prior registration for the clinic is necessary.To get registered to Antar, kindly email us your name and phone number in the following email id: You will be contacted and will be assisted.

Thalassaemia & Haemoglobinopathy Clinic

Thalassaemia & Haemoglobinopathy Clinic - Striving to transform the lives of thalassaemic patients

Thalassaemias are a heterogenous group genetically transmitted red blood cell related disorders. It is characterised by varying degrees of anaemia and end organ failure. The basic pathology lies in the defective synthesis of haemoglobin, which is either qualitatively and/or quantitatively deficient. This deficiency leads to destruction of the defective red cells in the bone marrow and peripheral circulation leading to anaemia. The degree of the defect is extremely variable and so is the destruction of red cells. This peculiar variation in presentation makes it as a unique disorder where some affected present to the healthcare set up as early as 3 to 4 months, whereas some do not present to the healthcare set up at all, due to extreme mildness of the symptoms.

India has the largest number of children with thalassaemia major in the world – about 1 to 1.5 lakhs and almost 42 million carriers of Beta-thalassaemia trait. About 10,000 to 15,000 babies with thalassaemia major are born every year. In India, Beta-thalassaemia is prevalent across the country, with an average frequency of carriers being 3 to 4%. A higher frequency has been observed in certain communities, such as Sindhis, Punjabis, Gujaratis, Bengalis, Mahars, Kolis, Saraswats, Lohanas and Gaurs. Haemoglobinopathies is highly prevalent in the tribal populations of Southern, Central and Western states reaching as high as 48% in some communities.

This disease at present has no easy cure. The patients have to survive on regular safe blood transfusion and ancillary therapy. As iron is principal constituent of “haemoglobin”, the red pigment responsible for carrying oxygen, its destruction leads to iron overload also contributed to by the senile destruction of the transfused red cells and that, which is absorbed from the diet. This unbound iron is toxic, and gets ubiquitously deposited in various organs like heart, pancreas, pituitary and other endocrine organs, jeopardising their functional capacity. This leads to fatal complications if left untreated.

The uniqueness of this genetic disorder is that, it is carried by healthy individuals, who look perfectly normal and have a healthy life. If such a healthy carrier has a conjugal relationship with another such carrier, they may produce a baby with the disorder, with a chance factor of 25% in each pregnancy, for that couple.

Armed with this knowledge, it is fair to have 2 modus operandi :

  • To maintain the already born thalassaemic children as near optimum health as possible, such that they can have a socially and economically productive life.
  • To bring down the birth rate of new thalassaemia patients.

To maintain the already born thalassaemic children as near optimum health as possible, such that they can have a socially and economically productive life. To enable access of such patients to safe, correct and adequate blood components provided through state-of-the-art blood transfusion service. To keep an eye on different organ systems by way of performing different haematological, biochemical and sero-immunological tests at regular intervals for prediction and management of complications.

Regular monitoring of iron overload by measurement of Serum Ferritin for estimation of the generalized iron overload T2* and R2* by MRI for measurement of organ specific iron overload and subsequent response to chelation therapy. Prediction and management of Cardiac, Endocrinal, Orthopaedic, Gastroenterological, Growth & Development, Gynaecological and Infectious complications through multidisciplinary approach under one roof.

Why opt for the Thalassaemia and Haemoglobinopathy Clinic in Peerless Hospital?
  • Availability of safe and adequate blood components through the Blood Bank and special components of blood for the patients.
  • A blood transfusion unit dedicated to serve the needs of the thalassaemia patients.
  • Provides organ specific iron overload detection facility for Cardiac, Pancreatic, Hepatic and Pituitary gland. This is done with the help of 1.5T MRI machine and dedicated T2* and R2* software. This service is being provided for the first time in the east zone, which would benefit the patients from the neighbouring countries of Nepal, Bangladesh, Bhutan and Maldives in addition to the local ones.
  • Provided outdoor and indoor patient care.
  • Provides multidisciplinary approach for this multi-system disorder through medical board comprising of experts from different fields, for such patients on regular basis which could have been possible only in a multidisciplinary hospital like Peerless.
  • Provides prenatal diagnostic and therapeutic facilities, marriage and pregnancy counselling facilities.