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Neurology Department

1. Neurotrauma

Head injury | Spinal injury | Peripheral nerve injury

2. Neurology

Brain Stroke | Epilepsy| Parkinsonism | Guillain Barre Syndrome | Vascular Neuritis | Meningitis | Encephalopathy | Multiple Sclerosis | Parkinsonism | Dyselectrolytemia | Others

3. Neurosurgery
  • Tumors : Brain Tumors | Spinal Tumors | Peripheral nerve tumors | Orbital tumors
  • Cerebrovascular Surgery : Cerebrovascular Surgery : Stroke Surgery | Aneurysm Surgery | AVM Surgery | Carotid Surgery | Surgery for Moya Moya disease
  • Spinal degenerative diseases : Spondylosis | Spondylolisthesis | Surgery for syringomyelia | Complex spinal fixation
  • Cranio-Vertebral junction surgery including : Atlanto-axial dislocation | Chiari malformation
  • Surgery for hydrocephalus
  • Pediatric neurosurgery including meningocele repair and spinal dysraphism
  • Infection : Surgery for spinal tuberculosis | Surgery for hydatid disease of brain etc.
  • Miscellaneous : Carpal Tunnel syndrome | Nerve and muscle biopsies | Scalp tumors | Skull tumors
4. Neuroanesthesiology & Critical Care
5. Pediatric Neurology
6. Neuropsychiatry
7. Speech Pathology

EEG | Video EEG | EMG | NCV | VEP | BAER | RNS | SSEP | VEP| Video Telemetry