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Day Care Units

Peerless Hospital provides Day Care facilities for a large number of cases including short surgical procedures of various specialities. Patients availing of day care facilities do not have to get admitted in the wards. They can come to the hospital on the day of the therapy/procedure in the morning and can be discharged on the same day.

The treatment/procedures which are usually carried out on a day care basis in this hospital are as follows:

ENT Procedures
  • Septorhinoplasty
  • Myringoplasty
  • Myringotomy and Insertion of Grommet
  • Tympanotomy
  • Direct laryngoscopy and biopsy
  • Stone extraction from Submandibular Salivary gland
  • Excision of Papilloma
Respiratory Procedures
  • Fibre Optic Bronchoscopy
Short Surgical Procedures
  • Excision of Cyst
  • Diagnostic Cystoscopy +/- Dilatation of Bladder Outlet
  • Circumcision
Nephrology Procedures
  • AV-fistula for Dialysis
Orthopaedic Procedures
  • Fracture reduction with POP cast
  • Carpal Tunnel release
  • Dupuytrens Contracture release
  • Simple Fasciotomy
Gynaecological Procedures
  • Dilatation & Curettage of Uterus
  • Suction and Evacuation of Uterus
  • Cervical/Vulval/Vaginal biopsy
  • Excision of Breast lump/Fibroadenoma
  • Hysteroscopy (Diagnostic) +/- Lap dye test

The list is illustrative and not meant to be exhaustive. Patients can also avail day care facilities for a few other cases provided that is permitted by the consultant.