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Psychiatry Department

psychiatry image

The department provides specialized services in the following fields:

  • Depression
  • Diagnostic and Treatment Services for all Psychiatric and Neuro - psychiatric disorders
  • Schizophrenic spectrum disorders
  • Mood disorders
  • Anxiety disorders
  • Delirium, Dementia and cognitive disorders
  • Mental health problems of elderly
  • Sleep disorders
  • Psycho-sexual disorders
  • Mental health problems of adolescents
  • Somatoform disorders
  • Other non-specific disorders
  • Consultation Liaison Psychiatry
  • Stress Management Programmes (for students & corporates)
  • After Care of Head Injury Victims
  • Behaviour Therapy for Anxiety, Phobia, Addictions, etc.

We also have a special Child Guidance Clinic which takes care of the special needs of children in this field. The activities at this centre include Evaluation and treatment and family counseling related to disorders mentioned below :

  • Bed wetting, thumb sucking, nail biting
  • Hyperactive child (Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder)
  • Eating disorders
  • Childhood over anxious disorders
  • Conduct disorders
  • Autism & Pervasive Developmental disorders


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